‘Twas the Night Before Easter

This unique post is shared as a Biblical response to wrongdoing, taken from the examples given to us in the Word of God, namely the writings of apostles Paul and John.  This poem is an accurate representation of what actually happened in 2020, and we sincerely care and pray for the individuals involved.  We read in the Word of God (Ephesians 4:15) “But speaking the truth in love…” Sadly, this is often not followed by those who claim to know Christ and say they believe the Bible. The situation described in the following poem illustrated in a poignant way what we’d covered on Facebook Live in a 2-segment series entitled “Hierarch Hype” and “Handling Hierarchy Hype.”  It is our prayer that the people “in charge” as leaders among the people of God will truly see themselves as servant-leaders and not “lorders” over God’s heritage (His people).

1 Peter 5:3 – “Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.”

Too often in modern religion, we have a business-type setup that places a single individual “in charge” like a CEO or president of a corporation.  Such is not according to the design of God expressed in His Word.

'Twas the night before Easter, and to the church lot,
Came deacon and pastor who'd been really upsot!

To the camper they flew and banged on the door, 
With a knock so loud it vibrated the floor!

What was the cause?  What was their concern?  
Though asking for answers, the accused could not learn.

Since 2000, the campers were house-less indeed, 
As they've traveled the country sharing creation creed.

A question was asked:  "Can we discuss this?"  
But no quest was allowed, and all talk was dismissed.

A few months before these folk were a blessin', 
But they turned on the campers after a Sunday school less'n.

God's Word had been taught, with language made clear, 
But one somehow got mad and wanted to smear. 

And smear they did, with lies one, two, and three: 
Both pastor and deacon--it's truly hard to see!

A letter they wrote that falsity stirred; 
But when facts were presented--not an answer was heard.

...Until that night, and the parking lot clatter.  
The campers didn't know what to think of the matter!

'Twas the worst they'd ever seen, of such by church leaders, 
Who said of the Bible that they're King James Only readers.

That Book tells us to first go alone, 
When wrong has been wrought, or offense has been done. 

But hearing the campers, or heeding God's  Word, 
A reasoned discussion was ne'er to be heard.

...Until that night, with matters at hand; 
To get off church property was their imminent demand.

So the campers got busy, moving stuff out that night, 
No time to complain or discuss what is right! 

The LORD provided spots where their stuff they could shove, 
With helpful sweet friends and dear family they love.

What's the moral of this story, what purpose you ask?  
Why share these wrongdoings?  Why rhyming such tasks?

The example is given, in God's Word long ago, 
Of Paul who wrote Timothy and shared of his woe..

...By one Alexander, in copper his work, 
Of whose wrong a dire warning was not to be shirked!

"He did me much evil. The LORD will reward."
"Of whom be thou ware. He hindered our word."

Another one warned of by God's servant John, 
Was Diotrophes who loved to be "number one";

...Who worked against John with malicious deed, 
Rejecting the brethren, even making them leave!

Such actions by ones like Diotrophes, 
Help us today when we see the same deeds...

...To know that 'tis true the Word of the One,
Who had King Solomon write, "Nothing's new under the sun"!

Whenever we're tempted to complain about others, 
Remember to warn people and that God has it covered!

For the full account, watch this video:  https://www.facebook.com/creationfamin/videos/3630100770408062

Pictured below is the actual letter (with explanatory notes) that I left 
in the church office for the pastor or anyone else to read. This was sent
to our mission board without anyone even notifying us!  After Mike and the 
pastor mentioned it, I contacted our board director and asked him to send 
it to me.  I printed it off and made the notes as shown below.


To Whom It May Concern:

Since 2000, Jeff and Heather Setzer have served in a ministry that focuses on the foundation of all things: creation.  Entailed in this work is the need to address true science, physical evidences, warnings of evolutionary ideology, and comparisons between creation and evolution, as is referenced in the constitution of Gospel Light Baptist Church (pg. 3-N).  With such an apologetics approach applied to the Bible version issue, there needs to be an examination of different angles of this critical issue, since it is the Word of the living God.  A few years ago, Jeff was given an opportunity to minister at Gospel Light in a series of lessons during Sunday school in December of that year.  Since he had fresh material on the subject of textual apologetics that he’d incorporated into their “Jungle Tales” creation theme the previous summer, he found it appropriate to begin a “These Are The Words” series on December 8, 2019, a focus on WHY we use the King James version of God’s Word. This was chosen particularly since the church stands for this version.  As he shared information for the average person in the pew, one of the things he communicated was that 90% of extant (existing) Greek manuscripts form the text from which the King James version was translated (e.g. the New Testament). However, he was not allowed to finish the series, as the pastor without any explanation came by the Setzers’ RV the following Saturday to instruct him not to continue the series.

The purpose of this blog addendum is to address the two main allegations which were referenced in a letter that was sent to the mission board of the Setzers, Baptist Home Missions, a letter that notified BHM that because of the concerns GLBC would no longer support the Setzers.  This letter was sent without any notice to the Setzers.  The letter alleged that:

  1. Jeff stated publicly (e.g. Sunday school and on Facebook) that 10% of the KJV is not translated accurately.
  2. The Setzers promote on their website a Bible version other than the King James version.

Since the Setzers on Saturday, April 11, 2019 were approached and instructed to remove all stored items from the church building, and were without discussion told to move their trailer/home from the property, it is necessary that some pertinent questions be made public about this matter.

  1. Before sending a letter to the mission board about this issue, why did not someone personally speak to Jeff about the issues raised, in light of Matthew 18:15 and the church constitution which instructs believers to go alone to another when an offense has taken place (Sect. 3.04-B)?
  2. Since the Bible teaches the importance of local assemblies, why was contact not first made with   the Setzers’ home church about this issue before contact was made with their mission board?
  3. Why didn’t anyone of the church check the web store of Creation Family Ministries to see that the Bible version they promote is the Henry Morris Study Bible and that it is King James?
  4. Has anyone of the church looked at the doctrinal statement on the website of CFM to see what it says concerning the text issue, that it affirms the KJV?
  5. Were any of the concerns expressed in the letter to Baptist Home Missions shared with the Gospel Light church family before the decision to discontinue financial support of the Setzers?

In short, there is ample and overwhelming evidence that the Setzers through the years have stood for the King James version of the Bible, God’s Word, and that they seek to help others hold to it with knowledge and understanding of its value and accuracy, characteristics that have fortified it through more than 450 years of attack.  Anything that states otherwise is just not true.

Proverbs 18:13  “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.”

Mathew 18:15     “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and  him alone

In keeping with the previous mentioned lies was yet another one that was told to Jeff firsthand by the pastor himself in front of another church member, after church during a meeting about the aforementioned Sunday school lesson.  When Jeff asked why he didn’t speak with him about the issues before a letter was sent to their mission board, he replied, “You weren’t here.”  However, the Setzers were present the next few weeks since they were living in their rig on church property, and were in the next few Sunday services in December as Mrs. Setzer practiced with and voluntarily played the piano for the church Christmas program.

In short, it is with great sorrow and a sense of shame for this small assembly of believers that we share this exposing addendum, taken from Scriptural examples of ones whose behavior needed to be exposed and rebuked:  Alexander the coppersmith (2 Timothy 4:14, 15) and Diotrophes (3 John v. 9-11).  It is our prayer that the LORD will undertake to do what needs to be done in this assembly for His honor and glory.



  1. Jeff Setzer on March 13, 2022 at 9:22 am

    As of March 13, 2022, there has been no response from the offending church officials at Gospel Light in Newton, NC. This is typical, in that the “church” canNOT be wrong for it is “the pillar and ground of truth” (1 Tim. 3:15). But, is that verse referring to an organization with an hierarchical structure and a steepled building, or is it talking about ALL the people of God?

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