Covid Cares?

A virus pandemic has taken the world by storm within just a couple of months, disrupting the lives of nearly everyone we meet!  While CFM acknowledges the seriousness of any sickness, we know that the Creator and His Word, the Bible, has answers that this world needs to hear!  In light of the virus, which is mostly termed “Wuhan,” “Coronavirus,” or simply “COVID-19,” we shared a few Facebook Live videos emphasizing health matters.  Second to our eternal well being, our physical health is extremely important.  For those who are believers, our “earthly house” is our body and it is the “temple” of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:1; 6:19).  This means that for those who place their faith (i.e. “firmness” of trust, our confidence) solely in the finished work of Christ on the cross, the Creator is the One Who suffered excruciating death for ALL our violations.  When a person places their faith in His finished work, he / she spiritually is immediately placed into the family as a child of God (John 1:12; Romans 8:17).  All who have this confidence are indwelt by the Spirit of God.  However, we still have the physical body with which we contend every day (cf. Romans 7)!  Some of that contention involves sicknesses, or diseases.  With the pandemic on nearly everyone’s mind to one degree or another, we undertook to share many things that we have learned over 20 years of being helped by natural things.  As the Record of the Creator of all things, the Word of God, the Bible, references our health many, many times.  We invite you to check out these links to brief videos we shared via Facebook Live in the spring of 2020!

Health Matters, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (“Vetting Vaccinations”–NOTE: audio issues), Part 5, Part 6.


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